Gulia Groenke - Artist Statement for the Exhibition “Minus 10”

As children, we sometimes ask questions for which we only find answers many years later. For me, this journey began with the question: “Why am I here?” Born in Norilsk, a city that is not easily explained, I was confronted with extremes early on. Months of darkness, polluted air, and the knowledge that this place was built by people who were brought here against their will—all of this shaped my childhood and my perception.

Norilsk is a city of contrasts. While the air often smells of metal and the sky is endlessly dark in winter, the people here have learned to survive in these conditions. They are strong, patient, and courageous—they risk their health for the life they have chosen. But this strength comes at a price: life here is often a decade shorter.

My memories of Norilsk are like scattered puzzle pieces that only come together over time to form a complete picture. This exhibition is a collage of those memories—a mixture of melancholic feelings, colors, and textures that capture the mood of this place. It is not just about the darkness and gloom. It is also about moments of humor, about the surprising and the beautiful that emerge when things come together that seemingly don’t belong.

With my art, I explore these contradictions. I work with various media—printmaking, painting, and photography—and create a layered, collaged composition that invites the viewer to look beyond the surface.

This series is deeply personal for me. It not only tells the story of a place but also my own—the story of a girl searching for answers and ultimately learning that the darkest places often hold the greatest light.