/img/HAPPY DISTRACTION Acrylic. 20x14 in, 50x35 cm. Berlin, Germany 2024.JPG

Happy Distraction


50x35 cm, Acrylic

/img/WARM HEARTS PREVAIL Acrylic, Mix Media. 67x49 in, 170x125 cm. Berlin, Germany 2024.JPG

Warm Hearts Prevail


170x125 cm, Acrylic

/img/OUT OF FOCUS, OUT OF TIME. 47x33 in, 120x85 cm. Berlin Germany, 2024.JPG

Out of Focus, Out of Time


120x85 cm, Mixed media

/img/PERMAFROSTING. Acrylic, Mix Media. 47x33 in, 120x85 cm. Berlin Germany, 2024.JPG



120x85 cm, Mixed media

/img/2023 -10 Hinter dem Kreis . jpg 60х40.JPG

Minus 10


120x152 cm, Mixed media

/img/2022 I Destruction of Society l Acrylic and wood on canvas l 60x72 l Hope Idaho.JPG

Destruction of Society


152x182 cm, Acrylic and wood on canvas

/img/2022 I City X l Acrylic and mixed media on canvas l 30 x 30 in l Hope Idaho.JPG

City X


76x76 cm, Acrylic and mixed media on canvas

/img/2022 I Circle of devastation l Acrylic and mixed media on canvas l 60 x 36 in l Hope Idaho.JPG

Circle of devastation


152x91 cm, Acrylic and mixed media on canvas

/img/2021 I Yearning for peace l Acrylic and mixed media on canvas l 60 x 40 in l Hope Idaho.JPG

Yearning for peace


152x102 cm, Acrylic and mixed media on canvas

/img/2021 I Imminent destruction l Acrylic on canvas l 48 x 48 l Hope Idaho.JPG

Imminent destruction


121x121 cm, Acrylic on canvas